How To Change Instagram Password

Keeping as safe as possible online is so important these days. Especially on social media. One of the best ways to do so? By changing your passwords regularly! Using the same password for all your accounts is easy to remember but not as safe. Do you suspect that someone knows your Instagram password? It’s time for a change! 

Instagram is full of people scrolling, creating, and liking every day. In fact, there are 500 million active users daily, according to SocialPilot. Knowing how to change your Instagram password is a good way to keep your account as secure as possible. In this blog, we’ll look at the simple method of changing your password. We’ll also dive into the reasons why changing your password is so important! Let’s get into it!

A smartphone shows the Instagram login screen.

Why Should You Change Your Password? 

We all love social media, and why? Because it offers an insight into everyone’s personal lives. 

It’s just so interesting seeing what everyone’s up to! Plus, it’s also fun to post on Instagram. We can show off any updates, daily tasks, or fun things we get up to. It keeps us in the loop and is a great place to connect with people. 

Some people use Instagram to promote their business and use the features to gain visibility and increase popularity. Not to mention, there is an increase in sales as more people become aware of their brand and products. Furthermore, the influencer world is taking off! More people are turning their passion into a great source of income every day. 

People use the app for all kinds of reasons, and it’s no secret how important our accounts are to us. So, keeping them to ourselves is essential. In some instances, we might have to change our passwords. Here are some reasons why:

1. Better Security 

The main reason for a change of password? Better security! Without a secure account, hackers can get ahold of your password. With access to your account, the wrong person can commit identity theft or access personal information.

2. Protection of Personal Information 

We all have personal information on our Instagram accounts that we don’t want to share with other people. From direct messages to photos and other private information, protecting it is crucial. No one wants their DMs to be exposed, even if it’s just your standard chat!

3. Peace of Mind 

Knowing that your password is newly updated is always good for peace of mind. Changing your password gives you a sense of control. By changing your password, you’re looking after your online identity and preventing any security issues. You can rest assured no one is getting into your account! 

Staying as safe as possible online is super important these days. Luckily, once you know how to change your Instagram password, you can get to it straight away.

A smartphone shows the Instagram login screen for a user to enter their username and password.

How To Change Instagram Password By Following These Steps

Do you want to know how to change your Instagram password? Changing a password sounds daunting, we know! But you’ll be pleased to know that changing your Instagram password on the app is actually quite simple. Whether you have an Android or IOS device, the process of changing it is really similar. Enhance the security of your Instagram account and keep it safe and private. Here’s how: 

  1. The first thing you’ll need to do is open the Instagram app on your mobile device. 
  2. When you’re on the app, tap on your profile icon to open up your profile. You’ll see three horizontal lines to your right, so tap on that to take you to your settings. 
  3. In your settings, choose from either “Accounts Center” or “Settings.”
  4. Tap on “Password and security” or “Security.” 
  5. Within these options, tap on “Change password.” 
  6. Instagram will take you to a page with your Instagram accounts on. You’ll also need to choose the account for which you want to change the password. But this is only if you have multiple!
  7. The app will ask you to enter your current password and the new one and then retype it. 
  8. After you’ve followed the on-screen instructions, tap “Change Password” to save the changes and your new password. 

Then, you can sign into your account on your mobile device using your new password! No need to worry about anyone else knowing it or pesky hackers using your account. We recommend that you do this process regularly to keep the changes constant and the unauthorized people out! Just don’t forget to save your changes, and you’ll be good to go and continue your scrolling.

A person holds a smartphone in their hands.

How To Change Instagram Password Without Old Password

Have you forgotten your old password? Knowing how to change the Instagram password without an old password is your key to success! There are so many things to remember these days, let alone passwords! It happens to the best of us! Luckily, it’s quite easy to change your Instagram password without knowing the old one.

Firstly, you’ll have to log out of your Instagram account. You’ll then end up on the login screen, where it asks for your details. Underneath where you enter your details, you’ll see “Forgotten password?” If you can’t remember your original password, this is the place for you! Here, you can either enter: 

  • Your username
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number

Make sure you enter each one correctly, and it’ll take you to a new page. The easiest way to do it is by putting your email address into the section. A password reset email is then sent to you, where you can follow the on-screen instructions. 

Furthermore, if you choose the phone number option, you’ll just need to verify that it’s you with a code. This two-factor authentication is just another way to keep your account secure and make sure it’s you! 

This easy step-by-step guide is great if you’re having that stress we all hate when trying to remember a password! With so many other things on our minds, it’s no surprise it happens all the time! It’s also worth mentioning that if your Instagram account links to your Facebook, you’re in luck! You should have no trouble logging in!

A smartphone shows a black screen with the Instagram logo in the middle.

Choosing a Strong Password 

Is it time to upgrade your social media safety and upgrade your Instagram password? Well, choosing a strong password is super important. The reasons why? Choosing a strong password helps to:

  • Add a layer of security to your account.
  • Protect you against the worries of identity theft.
  • Keep you safe from data breaches.
  • Stop people from easily guessing your password.
  • Comply with the security recommendations of the app.
  • Offer you peace of mind.

Essentially, choosing a strong password is a great way to increase the amount of privacy and security on Instagram. You don’t have to worry about people guessing your password and logging in! 

Plus, Instagram requires users to follow specific standards when creating a password to make it harder to guess. For example, it needs to be at least eight characters and have both lower and uppercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Instagram is not messing around with its security measures! 

Ready for some top tips? Here are our ideas:

Think About Length 

The best, most secure passwords are long in length and exceed six characters. If you can, we recommend aiming for a password that’s up to twelve characters for extra protection. The longer the password, the harder it is for other people to guess it! 

Be Original 

We’re all aware of the famous “Password” password; it’s genius! But it’s a pretty easy one to guess. If someone is trying to enter your account, they might try out a few common phrases first. If you’re original and you choose something unique, they’re a lot less likely to guess it. Any patterns or phrases that are too simple can put your account at extra risk!

Add Numbers and Symbols 

Another great way to enhance the security of your account is to add in some numbers and symbols. When you set up a password on Instagram, it actually requires you to enter them. Whether it’s at the end or you choose to dot them about, it’s an excellent way to throw someone off. Plus, it allows you the chance to get unique. 

Password Manager 

Using a password manager is actually a great tool for storing passwords. It keeps them all in one place and lets you access them using a master password. They’re stored away safely together, ensuring they’re secure and available for you to access only. 

Change It Regularly 

Now you know how to change an Instagram password, it’s time to put it to work! You can have a great, strong password, but you still need to change it regularly. Changing it up every now and then is a great way to throw off any hackers or unauthorized people. It just keeps it under control and helps to reduce any potential risks. 

By changing your password regularly and following our top tips to create a strong one, you’ll keep your account secure. You can change your password to be something really unique and unguessable to other people. So, you can enjoy the perks of using Instagram without putting your private messages and personal information at risk.

A smartphone shows an Instagram page open with scenic posts.

Enhance Your Instagram Account With

Change your password regularly to keep your account secure, and boost it with We understand how a substantial following can propel your account, and we’re here to help with that. As soon as you make your first payment, our work begins! We work quickly to increase your Instagram followers, enhance your posts, and boost your account. So you can reach your desired follower count in no time. 

Now you know how to change your Instagram password, you can keep your account secure. Elevate your Instagram account and increase your network of followers with