Have you spent ages on a video with the expectation of it going viral? Was the lighting set up properly, and the sound timed perfectly? If you have done all of this and you are still not getting any views, then there may be a problem.
So now you are left wondering, “Why does my TikTok have 0 views?” If you’re trying to build a following or increase your online visibility, you need the views! But there are some possible reasons why you’re lacking in that area. Let’s find out more!
Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views? The Main Reasons
If you want to become famous on TikTok, your videos have to become popular. However, if you are asking yourself, “Why do my TikToks have 0 views?” then you need to do some work. If your account is new, this will play a part in the number of views. Furthermore, you might just be posting at the wrong times!
However, there are some common reasons why your videos may be struggling. Here are some potential reasons why your content on TikTok is not getting the views you want.
1. You Have a Private Account
Wondering “Why are my TikToks getting 0 views?” One common reason why is that you actually have a private account. This means that only the people you allow to follow you can see your posts.
So, if the people who follow you are not active on the app, no one will see your posts. Check this in settings, and just switch it to public if you want to increase your views.
2. You’re Spamming Your Account
If you’re a video maker, you’ll know the importance of regular posting. However, too much posting isn’t a good thing. Trust us, the app does not like this and might even restrict your account if you post too much.
3. Your Video Is Low-Quality
TikTok is all about creating videos that are as engaging as possible. In order for this to be the case, the videos can’t be low-quality. The algorithm will favor your account and videos if they are of good quality and engaging.
If not, you can expect a very low number of views, as you probably won’t be on anyone’s FYP (For You Page). You might need to sharpen your video editor skills and increase the quality of videos you post.
4. You Have Created an Identical Video to Another User
Creating content that’s an exact copy of another user’s will not go down well on TikTok. The app favors unique and individual posts, so duplicated content won’t show up on people’s FYP. It’s just not very engaging, and it kind of defeats the point of using the app for creativity.
5. The App Is Reviewing Your Content
If you think about it, anyone can post anything on TikTok. Because of this, the app will review content (to ensure community guidelines are followed), and this can take a while, between six and 24 hours to be exact. So, this might have quite a big impact on the number of views you get if you’ve just posted.
Why Does My TikTok Have 0 Views After an Hour?
So, you’ve just spent a large chunk of your day crafting a picture-perfect TikTok. But why hasn’t anyone seen it? If you’re asking yourself, “Why does my TikTok have 0 views after an hour?” there might be a good reason!
If you only posted the video an hour ago, you can relax! There’s a good chance that your video just hasn’t made it onto anyone’s For You Page yet.
However, here are some other possible reasons.
Off-Peak Posting Time
Maybe you posted your TikTok video at an hour that’s just not very popular. Content creators and budding influencers will know about this, but there is a peak time.
According to Sprout Social, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days to post on your account. They also found that Sunday is the worst day. If you’ve posted your video at an unpopular hour, this might also be a potential reason.
Your Account Is New
If you’re posting on a new account, there’s a high chance your video won’t be visible yet. In order for TikTok to favor you, you need to be patient. Furthermore, for your video to make it onto the right For You Pages, the app needs to understand your content.
If you posted your video only an hour ago, the best thing to do is to just wait! Chances are, the views will come rolling in in no time!
No Views on TikTok: The Disadvantages
If you get no views on TikTok and you’re trying to go viral, you can imagine there are drawbacks. Here are some examples of how limited video views can affect your TikTok popularity.
Limited Growth Opportunity
Without views, your TikTok won’t grow, and you’ll not get that chance for opportunities.
A TikTok account with lots of views can use the platform to partner with influencers or collaborate with brands. If people see that you have many views, businesses and creators will want to work with you.
Lack of Social Proof
Social proof can impact the amount of views, and it’s quite an important factor. The more views you have in the first place, the more you’ll influence. People will see you as posting valuable content.
Negative Impact on Creativity
If you’re a content creator who’s spending tons of time creating videos you love, getting no views isn’t ideal. Thinking “I got 0 views on TikTok” can really hinder your creativity. It can leave you feeling disheartened when it comes to making more videos in the future.
TikTok Views Down: Possible Reasons Why
Are you an already established account, but you’re noticing a lack of views on your TikTok? If you research “TikTok views down,” you can get some clear answers about what’s going on. Here are some reasons why you might be getting a limited number of likes compared to normal.
1. The TikTok Algorithm Has Updated
The TikTok algorithm is what makes certain videos and trends viral, but it can change every now and then. Maybe your video was once trending and getting loads of views. However, maybe that kind of video just doesn’t cut it anymore. If this is the case, you might need to think of some fresh video ideas that’ll increase engagement.
2. It’s a Case of a Shadow Ban
If your video does not comply with TikTok’s community guidelines, you might have a shadow ban. This essentially removes your account from public view and bans you from posting anymore.
So, how does the app expect you to get any views? Well, the answer is that you simply can’t. You’ve not created a suitable video, and TikTok will take action.
If this has happened to you, you might just need to wait 14 days before TikTok lifts the ban. If this happens on TikTok, zero people will see your videos.
3. Too Much Competition
Asking yourself, “Why did my TikTok get 0 views?” Unfortunately, it might be because competition is super high!
The app is incredibly popular, and we can’t all get to and stay at the top. Trends come and go, and the same goes for popularity. If a particular trend is all over your FYP, the competition will be super high. If you want to achieve video stability, you might need to brainstorm some more exciting ideas.
Why Is My TikTok Not Getting Views? How To Get More
Wondering “Why is my TikTok not getting views?” Don’t worry! This can happen to us all! However, there are some tactics you can use!
Here are some ideas for how to get more views on TikTok.
1. Be Patient and Consistent
Getting more views on social media platforms, including TikTok, requires patience and consistency from the video maker. Avoid overposting, as the app might see this as spam. However, posting the right amount will keep you relevant and increase the likelihood of more likes. Aim to post every few days at peak times, and be patient, as the likes will eventually start rolling in.
2. Use Hashtags
Using hashtags is a really effective way of getting more views. They can put you on the map! The algorithm will favor you if you use relevant hashtags, and you’re more likely to gain more organic views, too. The overall goal is to attract your target audience, so use hashtags strategically with relevant keywords.
3. Post High-Quality Videos
Put on your video editor hat and aim to make your videos as high-quality as possible. A high-quality video is much more likely to attract attention than one that’s poor quality.
4. Use Music or Sounds That Are Trending
Wondering “Why are my TikToks getting 0 views?” This might be because you’re not adding music or viral sounds. If you use popular songs and music, your video has a better chance of getting more views.
This is because if a song goes viral, there’s a high chance that your video might, too. If anything, you’ll make it onto the FYP. Once it’s there, you’ll definitely experience more views.
By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll get more views and increase your chances of TikTok success!
Looking To Increase Your Influence Online? GoRead.io Can Help!
If you are asking yourself, “Why does my TikTok have 0 views?” maybe you need to promote your videos on your Instagram account! At GoRead.io, we understand the importance of a significant following on Instagram. That’s why we boost your likes, followers, and views quickly.
If you want to reach your desired follower count in no time and use your influence to promote your TikToks, trust GoRead.io!Increase your network of followers today!